Community Spotlight: Ben Rose

Welcome to the Timecrest Community Spotlight, a series where we interview some of the wonderful people in the Timecrest community in celebration of the recent launch of Timecrest 3. Make sure to update today!

Today, a volunteer Forum Moderator and Beta Tester, Ben, tells us about his experiences playing Timecrest.


Please introduce yourself to our players!

Hi everyone! My name is Ben. I’ve been playing Timecrest since September 2015 and started working with Sneaky Crab as a forum moderator and beta tester in October 2016. I’ve played through the story hundreds of times and can’t wait to see what comes next!

Hundreds of times? That’s incredible dedication! What is it about Timecrest that keeps you coming back?

I’d say what really keeps me invested are the dynamic storylines. Every run through the game presents an opportunity to make different choices and create a new story. This allows the player to experience dozens of adventures instead of just one. Personally, I like to choose the path I’m least familiar with during each run. I love staying sharp on every potential storyline and how, even over countless runs, I can always find something new.

When did you start playing Timecrest, and how did you find Timecrest originally?

I started playing Timecrest in September 2015. The story, including the chapters you know and love, has grown so much since then! I originally found Timecrest when I was looking for apps for my Apple Watch. I started reading and immediately fell in love with the story.

Having explored every corner of Timecrest, you must know a lot of trivia. What’s a fun fact in Timecrest that you think most people won’t know?

I have quite a few, but here are a couple of my favorites. First, the color used for the Blue Text Person’s messages is the precise inverted color used for the Red Text Person’s messages. Second, and my favorite to find, is that it’s possible to identify the Red Text Person if you look through all the content available prior to Timecrest 3. It took me months to find it, so don’t be discouraged if you missed it!

It’s clear you know a lot of the story inside and out. Which side character do you think has the most interesting story?

Elise, without a doubt. I couldn’t put down her entry in the Memory Oracle. Seeing what led to Elise being, well, Elise, was quite a revelation. I can’t wait to see what comes next for her in Timecrest 3.

We love Elise as well. What’s your biggest prediction for Timecrest 3?

My biggest prediction is that we will somehow grow to understand Chronos’s actions, even in the end of Chapter 3. I can’t imagine how this could come about, but I do believe, with all of Timecrest 3 being dedicated to him, that there is more to Luthor than anyone could imagine.

Sounds like a great theory! What is the biggest mystery you’re looking for answers to in the story?

As you all may have read on the forums, I have quite a few. However, the greatest of these, after the many cryptic messages, being led to the Door, and watching incredibly powerful mages be reduced to mere puppets, I want to know who the Red Text Person actually is. What is this grand puppet master’s plan, how do we fit into it, and, if it’s as sinister as it seems, how can we possibly stop it?

You’ve been able to test some of Timecrest 3 already. Spoiler-free opinion, do you think it’ll be worth the wait?

From what I’ve seen so far, it is absolutely worth the wait. It’s been a while since Timecrest 2, but the new plot, or rather plots, are beautifully written, immersive, and worth every second Sneaky Crab took to make Luthor’s story perfect. There are also a lot of fun and important references to Timecrest 1 and 2 that make every run a new but familiar adventure.

We just wanted to thank you so much for volunteering to moderate our forums and help us beta test Timecrest 3.

It’s been my pleasure. I’ve had a lot of “favorite games” over the years, but the only one that has remained at the top of that list is Timecrest. Even after four years working with everyone, I’m still so proud to play a role in making Timecrest such a wonderful and unique adventure. I’ve loved watching the game grow and evolve both in functionality and content since the Prologue was identical to the first Timecrest trailer. I can’t wait to see how the story will progress in Timecrest 3 and beyond. Thank you again for the opportunity to play a role in Timecrest’s journey!

Where can people find and follow you?

You can find me on LinkedIn at and on Twitter as @datcomputernerd. I’ve sent questions to Team 13’s and Riley’s Twitter accounts pretty much every week since the feature was released back in mid-2016, if you want to take a look.