Community Spotlight: Hannah

Welcome to the first Timecrest Community Spotlight, a new series where we interview some of the wonderful people in the Timecrest community in celebration of the upcoming Timecrest 3, which will be released as a free update to Timecrest on Dec 15.

Today we talk to Hannah, who has been posting fantastic Timecrest fanart on Twitter.


Please introduce yourself to our players!

Hi, I’m Hannah, though you might know me as hyperhs! I’m just an average nerd with a deep appreciation for stories, and I love to draw!

When did you start playing Timecrest?

I started playing in 2018! It was my freshman year in college. I was looking for a CYOA game on the App Store. I downloaded Timecrest, along with a bunch of other games I can’t recall, but Timecrest was easily my favorite. I remember playing through the Windsorhowl arc for the first time, and trying to finish a physics midterm as fast as possible because Team 13 needed my help.

We’re sure Team 13 is in much better shape thanks to your dedication! What moments in Timecrest are the most memorable for you?

Definitely the fight with Ignis in the Windsorhowl path. The whole scene is nail-biting. And the aftermath is still gut-wrenching, even after multiple playthroughs. 

Outside of that, I love every single interaction with the Timecrest Merchant! I think he’s hilarious, but there’s also so much about him we don’t know. I’m desperate to learn more about him and the merchants as a whole.

It means a lot to us that the scenes and characters still have impact for you even through many playthroughs. What is the biggest mystery you’re looking for answers to in the story?

I have so many questions, but the biggest mystery for me is the Timecrest family. What is their connection to the Ignis family? How did Chronos get to be so powerful? What is the history of the pocket watch? I’m sure Ash wants to learn more about them, too, and I fully support this because I am equally curious.

If those are the questions in your head, we think you’ll be pleased with what Timecrest 3 covers. What’s your wildest theory or prediction for Timecrest 3?

Ha, I’ve been bouncing a bunch of ideas around in my head, but the wildest one is my “Chronos and Luthor Timecrest are two entirely different people” theory. The gist of it is that ‘Chronos’ took over Luthor’s body after his initial fight with Ezra and the original Luthor Timecrest is Blue Text. It’s definitely one of my crazier theories. I think it came to me in a dream.

Great theory! It’ll be exciting to see if that happens in Timecrest 3. What do you think of the soundtrack? Do you have a favorite song?

The soundtrack is fantastic! The music really elevates the experience. My favorite song is Aurumhalla! I love the rhythm, and it really captures the vibe of a merchant city.


Art belongs to Hannah on Twitter. Please do not repost without permission. You can find her here:

We wanted to move on to talk a bit about your fan art. You’ve drawn a beautiful work that features Roger and Alan. Can you tell us a bit about your inspiration for this piece?

Roger is my favorite character, so I had to draw him! I love a good-evil sibling dynamic, so I’m always excited to see Roger and Alan interact in the story. This piece plays a little on their duality — it’s meant to invoke the image of the yin and yang symbol. Roger’s on the left and Alan is on the right. It’s a bit of a subversion, since you’d expect the ‘good’ sibling to be on the brighter side of the picture, but I decided to frame it this way since Alan’s skill with water magic is shown to be stronger than Roger’s.

You have a unique style, and a lot of artists aspire to find their own style. Do you have any tips for aspiring artists on how they can develop their style? 

Just keep drawing! Don't try and force yourself to be unique. Try new things, draw inspiration from lots of different sources, and keep working hard. Your "style" will develop naturally!

What would you say to people who are getting into drawing and art and want to be as good as you?

Whoever you are, I'm glad you're taking up the noble pastime of art! No matter what you draw, or what your skill level is, or what tools you use, you're creating something, and that's something to be proud of. Never forget that! And most importantly: have fun!

Very inspiring, thank you! Where can people follow you and find more of your work?

You can find me on Twitter @hyperhsart, and on Tumblr.